Free Google Form QR Code Generator
How to get QR code for Google form?
Simply copy your Google Form URL & paste it above. We will generate it for you. Yes, it is that simple. You can download the QR code and take a print or use it in your website, email etc.
Need a better and free Google form alternative?
Youform is a free Google form alternative which not only supports QR code but lots of other features like custom domain, partial submissions, custom branding. It also provides unlimited submissions for free. Try it and you will love it, we promise. :)
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show = false;
}, delay);
" x-cloak>
{show = false;}, 100)
$dispatch('confirm-close', {
confirm_id: confirm_id,
confirm: true
});" x-show="show" @confirm-show.window="show = true;
confirm_id = $event.detail.confirm_id;
title = $event.detail.title;
body = $event.detail.body;
confirmBtnText = $event.detail.confirm_text ? $event.detail.confirm_text : 'Ok';
confirmBtnColor = $event.detail.danger ? 'bg-red-600 hover:bg-red-700' : 'bg-blue-600 hover:bg-blue-700';
cancelBtnText = $event.detail.cancel_text ? $event.detail.cancel_text : 'Cancel';" style="display: none"
class="fixed inset-0 z-50 overflow-y-auto">
{show = false;}, 100)
$dispatch('prompt-close', {
prompt_id: prompt_id,
prompt_text: promptText
}" @keydown.shift="shiftPressed = true" @keyup.shift="shiftPressed = false" x-show="show" @prompt-show.window="show = true;
prompt_id = $event.detail.prompt_id;
title = $event.detail.title;
promptText = $event.detail.prompt_text;
inputType = $event.detail.input_type;
inputSubtype = $event.detail.input_subtype ? $event.detail.input_subtype : 'text';
promptBtnText = $event.detail.prompt_btn_text ? $event.detail.prompt_btn_text : 'Ok';
promptBtnColor = $event.detail.danger ? 'bg-red-600 hover:bg-red-700' : 'bg-gray-700 hover:bg-gray-800';
placeholder = $event.detail.placeholder ? $event.detail.placeholder : '';
setTimeout(() => {
if(inputType == 'text') $refs.text.focus();
else $refs.textarea.focus();
}, 100);" style="display: none"
class="fixed inset-0 z-50 overflow-y-auto">